Mortimer the Sewer Rat, the coveted prize of NASTI’s No-Dig Show Educational Fund Auction and famed symbol of trenchless education, has been retired. He was nine. To NASTI members and trenchless professionals, Mortimer has become the headlining act of the No-Dig Show auction each year, with trenchless companies bidding on the stuffed rat as the final auction prize of the night. The demand for Mortimer has resulted in thousands of dollars donated to NASTI’s Educational Fund, with the money benefitting the Society’s 18 student chapters and numerous education initiatives. Over the years, Mortimer has also traveled the trenchless construction world, making regular appearances on projects with construction crews. Mortimer first entered the spotlight in 2007. During the Western Society for Trenchless Technology’s No-Dig Annual Conference, Dr. Sam Ariaratnam, WES TI chair at the time, organized a Jeopardy game for exhibitors during the conference reception in which ex -hibitors created questions and the participant with the most points won a prize. Jan Gould of the City of Reno, purchased the rat at a Halloween store, created his safety vest and presented him to the Jeopardy game winner Glenn Boyce of McMillen Jacobs Associates. According to records, by 2009, after Akkerman, Inc. won the sewer rat at the auction, Ariaratnam suggested Akkerman give it a name, and “Mortimer” was chosen. Since then, Mortimer has been a staple of the NASTI auction and the trenchless community. In 2016, Mortimer was split between Midwest Mole and Iowa Trenchless. Unfortunately, after a nine-year run and a bit too much jobsite wear and tear, Mortimer succumbed to injuries and was forced into retirement. Not to worry …