Liviu Ciocan
Project Manager
Years at Midwest Mole: 12

Liviu joined us in 2013, He was completing a Master’s program at IUPUI and came to us as an Intern. “Being such a niche field of construction, not a lot of people have the chance to experience the trenchless world. It brings up a specific set of challenges not encountered in other industries.” The feeling of camaraderie as well as the way the company treats its employees is why he chose to stay.
His favorite project to date was the Re-habilitation Water Conveyance Systems for Emergency and Potable Water Supply in West Potomac Park, Washington DC. This high-profile project allowed us to work in one of the most renowned and visited areas in the U.S. Capital: The National Mall in Washington, D.C where we installed 17,000’ of HDPE, via HDD, between Lincoln monument and 14th St. SW.
How has Liviu been able to be so successful at the Mole? By following the advice he gives to all new associates, “Give your absolute best from day one and remember: communication is the key to a successful project.”
When he isn’t working on projects, Liviu and his beautiful wife are avid hikers. They also love traveling.

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